Sustainable From Head To Toe / AD

Sustainability is a hot topic right now, and for good reason. Making small changes to our daily routines, including our fashion and shopping habits, can make a big difference to the world around us. After all, every little decision adds up and eventually all of those small things will create a big change for the better.

It’s no secret that the fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters of our generation and contributes heavily to the destruction of our Earth, but one section of fashion that never even entered my head when thinking about this was the hosiery industry. Potentially the most easily worn and broken type of clothing, tights are one of the most disposed of items of clothing; in fact I’ve laddered and ripped countless pairs of tights and consequently had to throw them away in the last month alone!

The Legwear Co. are a hosiery subscription service, who are aiming to help resolve this issue by sending you three pairs of high quality tights every three months, so that you always have tights there for you to wear. The idea is that this service will prevent you from buying, and ultimately disposing of, multiple packs of cheap tights. I know myself that I often go to Primark or Tesco and pick up a cheap pack of black tights, which probably last me one or two months at the very most. The cheap fabric means that they rip incredibly easily, so I end up binning them and adding to the colossal amount of landfill on the planet, but The Legwear Co’s tights have a three month guarantee, meaning less rips, ladders and expense for you, and a massive decrease in rubbish and pollution for the planet.

Have you been inspired to make a change to how you buy tights?

Why not subscribe to The Legwear Co.’s sustainable hosiery subscription service here.

Want to hear more about sustainability?

Why not read my post all about sustainable beauty, and how you can make small changes to your beauty and skincare routine to have a great impact on the world around you. You can read it by clicking on the photo below!

Love Chloe x

Disclaimer: The items mentioned in this post have kindly been gifted to me by The Legwear Co. but all thoughts and opinions are my own.


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