The Liebster Blog Award

I’m very excited as this is actually the first blogger award, or ‘blogger tag’ as they’re sometimes referred to, that I’ve ever been nominated for. I was nominated by the lovely Lydia, check out her blog here, who has made a list of questions for me to answer. I love the idea of this as you all get to know a little bit more about me and I also get to share some amazing bloggers with you!

Who are your role models?

There a few different people that I would refer to as my role models, for a multitude of different reasons. I have role models for all aspects of my life whether that’s my character, my blog or my aspirations to be a fashion designer. In general life my mom is one of my biggest role models, if I can grow up and have a relationship with my daughter like she has with me then I’ll be so happy. She has helped me develop into the young woman I am today and I admire her for so many reasons.

My blogging role model is Josie from Fashion Mumblr (here) because she has created a fabulous career for herself, lives an amazing, exciting life full of fashion, fun and travel whilst continuing to be a positive, inspiring and down to Earth person. I love her sense of style and how classy she is, her blog is part of the reason my blog became what it is today.

What is your favourite food?

Skittles. Skittles. Skittles. Who doesn’t enjoy being able to eat a rainbow? Skittles are literally my life source, I don’t know what I’d do without them. I probably eat them far too much but I don’t even care; they’re worth the calories!

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

This one is a hard one, simply because I have a travel bucket list that goes on forever. I’d probably say the top three places on my list are Bali, The Maldives and Iceland, to see the aurora borealis, but it’s so hard to choose!

Do you have any advice for new bloggers?

Choose what you want your blog to be like early on and stick to that idea you have. It’s so easy to get caught up in other people’s work and change who you are to fit in with the main blogging crowd, but that’s not the point of blogging. I presume you started a blog because you wanted a platform for your creativity or for your voice to be heard, so why would you change yourself? Also, try and aim for high quality content from the very beginning. Research into how to write good blog posts, download editing apps to improve photography and make a Pinterest board for flatlay inspiration (see mine here). Don’t let the fact that you’re new stop you from creating professional quality content; start as you mean to go on!

What is your biggest goal for 2018?

My main goal in 2018 is to be happy (cringey I know). I want to work on my mental health and get to a place where I’m truly content with life, because after all that’s what’s important.

In terms of blogging goals, I really want to hit 250 followers on here and 250 subscribers over on my YouTube channel (here). I’m also aiming for 2K on Twitter (I already smashed my goal of 1K!) and 750 over on Instagram. It’s not all about numbers though so one of my goals for 2018 is to work with some brands on my blog and YouTube channel as I’d love to expand and start introducing sponsored content.

What is a song/movie/book that everyone should go check out?

I’m a self confessed country music fanatic, I know it’s a little embarrassing but it’s the truth, and I can’t stop listening to Five More Minutes by Scotty McCreery, it’s one of those songs that really makes you think about what you’re doing with your life and how much time you waste. It reminds me that time spent with loved ones and doing what you love is the best time of all and that we’d all probably give anything for even five more minutes of time spent like that. A movie I love which I think deserves more recognition is What If, about such a cute story of friendship and love; you won’t regret watching it! I’m currently making my way through all the Nicholas Sparks novels so I’d have to recommend one of them, my current favourite is probably Dear John.

Do you have a travel tip/hack that could help others while they travel?

Always, always, always make a packing list. So many people don’t make one but it makes travelling so much easier. I write down absolutely everything I’m bringing, plan what outfits I want to wear to eliminate stress when I get there and then when I’m packing to come home I know if I’ve lost/forgotten something because I use it as a checklist. A packing list definitely equals a less stressful holiday!

Where do you consider to be a happy and peaceful place?

For me my most peaceful place has to be being by the sea. The gentle lap of the waves, the gorgeous views and soothing walks on the beach relax me so much and I always seem so much more inspired when I’m by the sea too.

What is your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasures definitely include watching FRIENDS, too many crime shows and eating too many Skittles!

Do you prefer to cook or get takeout?

I don’t really cook very often because I still live at home with my family so I’m going to change this question slightly to asking whether I prefer home cooked food or takeout and the answer is definitely home cooked food! My mom makes the most delicious dishes and I really do need to get myself together and learn a few so that I can actually cook them myself.

What do you do to de-stress?

To de-stress I do a few things. I either put on one of my favourite movies, preferably one I’ve watched for most of my life such as Peter Pan as it never fails to calm me down, I draw, do some bullet journaling, read or watch some YouTube videos. It just depends how stressed I am and what I’m in the mood for!

I hope this post has let you find out a little bit more about me!

I nominate…

@imlaurenbate from
@tnmperance from
@rebeccajblog from
@jaimejeanmorton from
@lucy_rachael_ from

The questions I’d like them to answer are…

Why did you decide to start your blog?
What’s your favourite item of clothing to wear?
If you had to give up one item of makeup what would it be?
If you were a colour what colour would you be?
What three places in the world do you most want to visit?
What’s the biggest piece of blogging advice you would give?
What are your blogging goals for the rest of the year?
What would your dream blog post to create be?
If you could be any animal what would you be?
What is the thing you want to change most about the world? Why?

I can’t wait to see these beauties responses and you should all go follow their blogs in the meantime!

Love Chloe x




  1. March 2, 2018 / 12:45 am

    jսmped up and down desirous to know the way to make God һapрy.

  2. March 2, 2018 / 12:21 am

    I’ve only just seen this!!! Thanks lovely!! The sea is definitely a calming place to be xx

  3. March 2, 2018 / 12:20 am

    I’ve only just seen this!!! Thanks lovely!! The sea is definitely a calming place to be 💛

  4. Julia Grant
    February 26, 2018 / 9:05 pm

    Thank you my darling xx

  5. February 26, 2018 / 7:00 pm

    How can friends be a guilty pleasure? *asks the friends superfan, who grew up watching it every day* 😉
    Lovely post, it is really nice to know a bit more about you now.
    Sophie x

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