Vol IX: A New Issue of People over Product & Spring at Winterbourne

This week my mom and I visited the delightful Winterbourne House & Gardens over at the University of Birmingham, and something incredibly exciting happened – the first issue of People over Product magazine with me as Editor-in-Chief was published!

This week felt incredibly precious; the sun was shining and I couldn’t keep a smile off my face. Last Wednesday’s visit to Winterbourne House & Gardens was absolutely sublime, I can’t believe I had never visisted this little gem that’s only a half an hour train ride away. There’s something so nice about taking a slow day to explore an old house, imagining what it would have been like to wander amongst the flower beds a century ago.

A slower day was very much needed as I’d spent many, many days working on the latest issue of People over Product magazine, which you can read here. After unexpectedly being promoted to Editor-in-Chief a few weeks ago this issue felt like a chance to let my creativity run wild, but with that came a lot of work.


As a fashion designer, and general creative type, I am constantly seeking inspiration wherever I am, and these posts are a way to document what has ignited something within me this past week. Whether its artwork I’ve seen online, photography that moved me, or a collection of colour in nature that kick-started a creative idea in my head, I’ll be sharing four ideas that have brought me joy in the past seven days.

Credit to @fennuala
Taken at Winterbourne House
Taken at Winterbourne House
Credit to @tvm_ok


I’ve started reading Babel by R F Kuang after getting it as a gift for Christmas, and I’m loving it so far. I do love a dark-academia book, as they’ve come to be known on booktok, and I can’t wait to see how this one plays out.

I’ve also started reading Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth, in order to better understand how to implement more sustainable economics into the sustainable fashion industry. For so long I have approached sustainable fashion with a rather blinkered view, focusing solely on the physical textiles and production. Although that element of it is crucially important, I have promised myself to spend this year broadening my horizons, deepening my education, and becoming a more well-rounded person on the topic of sustainability.


Alongside the economics side of things I have also been expanding my knowledge on textiles. To do so I have been making my way through Textilepedia by Fashionary, a comprehensive guide to the complete repetoire of fibres and textiles.

I’ve been reading it for research for my university project, and I’ve learnt so much about fibres and textiles, that I never knew before.

I’m very excited to see how this impacts my work, and the textiles I opt for in freelance projects.


I’ve recently got back into watching Jade of UnjadedJade. It’s been so uplifting and inspiring to see how she spends her time now, and I find that her positive approach to life, her career, and the world around her very closely aligns to my own.

Following creators that enrich my understanding of the world, and actively challenge me to become a better person, whilst also providing entertainment and positivity, are quite hard to come by, but it’s all I truly want to fill my feed with.

As I try and cut down screen time I want to spend the time I do have watching creators that make me feel good, and that’s definitely Jade.


Last Wednesday my mom and I visited Winterbourne House & Gardens, a historic house near the University of Birmingham.

Even though the gardens hadn’t burst into bloom yet the house and grounds were still absolutely beautiful, and we’ve already made plans to return once the gardens are in full colour.

There was a beautiful house, that even had an art gallery tucked away on the top floor, gorgeous grounds, a cafe serving delicious soup and cream teas, and a secondhand bookshop – what more could you ask for?


I may be a little biased – as I am the Editor-in-Chief after all – but this week’s recommendation has to be People over Product magazine.

We are a sustainable fashion magazine published quarterly, covering everything from quitting fast fashion to more complex pieces on carbon capture.

This issue is my first as the Editor-in-Chief, meaning it truly has an extra special space in my heart, and I would be absolutely overjoyed if you read it.


Last week I mentioned that I’d treated myself to a new laptop and I am absolutely loving it.

The crisp and colourful screen, and suite of creative tools, has me practically drooling, and I can’t wait to keep exploring it.

Love Chloe x


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