Vol VIII: Lots of Work & a Board Game Day

This week was a slower one as I felt a little under the weather, but I still managed to have a lovely few days.

Most of my time has been spent working on the magazine, which comes out in just over a week, and I’ve been absolutely loving it. It’s been a real challenge trying to get everything ready in time, whilst managing a team of writers, but I’m looking forward to getting it all sorted for publication next Saturday.


As a fashion designer, and general creative type, I am constantly seeking inspiration wherever I am, and these posts are a way to document what has ignited something within me this past week. Whether its artwork I’ve seen online, photography that moved me, or a collection of colour in nature that kick-started a creative idea in my head, I’ll be sharing four ideas that have brought me joy in the past seven days.

Credit to @by.chloe.louise.art
Credit to @laurastephensid
Credit to @lamp_ldn_home
Credit to @agueb_


Last week I mentioned the fact that I was reading The Empusium – A Health Resort Horror Story by Olga Tokarczuk. I’ve since finished it and it truly had me hooked to the end.

Tokarczuk has such a unique voice, especially with her character description, and I very much felt that with Mieczysław Wojnicz, the main character in this novel. I love how the book tackled the concept of gender and how it interacts with our human experience.


I’ve been attending flow yoga sessions at I AM YOGI for almost six months now, but I was feeling a bit under the weather this week and couldn’t attend my usual Wednesday night session.

Instead I went to the Friday morning session focused on the basics of yoga, expecting it to be a pretty easy hour. However, it actually really challenged me, and made me rethink how I approach my regular class as well.


My family and I were originally planning on a day out in town this Sunday doing a mystery tour of Birmingham but ended up having to reschedule due to the awful weather.

So, instead, we stayed at home and played board games. My sister recently bought a new one – Hitster – and we’re absolutely loving it. It’s like an amped up version of guess the song and it’s so much fun!


I’ve been non-stop using Canva whilst working on the magazine, and I’m absolutely obsessed with it. It’s made putting the new issue together so much easier, especially as I’ve never created something like this before.

The new issue will come out on the 1st of March, when it goes live you’ll be able to read it here.


I’m a real lover of personalised gifts and my go-to for timeless designs is Papier. This week I ordered a birthday present for my friend Becca and created a journal to record her time being 25.

Memory-keeping is one of the most precious things in my life, and gifting the ability to do that to my friends makes me so happy.


This week brought a massive treat: a new laptop. I’ve had my eye on the ASUS ProArt P16 for many months, and been saving up for it ever since.

It was a very expensive treat for myself, but one that I’m glad I’ve done. I’m so excited for how this laptop will revolutionise my work, and I can’t wait for it to arrive.

Love Chloe x


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