This week saw me returning to university – for a sustainability bootcamp at Birmingham City University – and visiting the Library of Birmingham for the first time. Education era unlocked!
When I saw BCU’s sustainability bootcamps advertised at the end of last year I knew that I wanted to embark on one in 2025. Continuing to educate myself on creating a better world is of the utmost importance to me, especially considering the fact that my work as a designer centres around creating the most sustainable intimate apparel possible. I’ve absolutely loved sinking my teeth into lots of new information and returning to education; here’s to staying informed and educated, in order to make real change, in 2025!
As a fashion designer, and general creative type, I am constantly seeking inspiration wherever I am, and these posts are a way to document what has ignited something within me this past week. Whether its artwork I’ve seen online, photography that moved me, or a collection of colour in nature that kick-started a creative idea in my head, I’ll be sharing four ideas that have brought me joy in the past seven days.

I’ve currently got two books on the go: Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk, a Polish mystery, and Wear Next by Clare press, a book exploring the future of sustainable fashion.
I’d heard so many people talk about Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead, especially after it won a Nobel prize for literature, and more recently was featured in Dua Lipa’s book club, and it’s definitely living up to the hype. I’m about three quarters of the way through the novel and I’m loving it so far.
As it reflects on the importance of nature within society, and the damage that can be caused by putting pressure on this balance, it feels quite serendipitous to be reading it as I start a course focused on the importance of protecting our planet and all the creatures that live on it.
Last Friday I started a bootcamp at BCU in Climate Literacy, learning all about carbon and the importance of reaching net zero.
After finishing my course in Fashion & Sustainability Management eighteen months ago, and my degree a year before that, I’d had an education-shaped-hole in my life and this course is definitely filling it.
I find courses to be the best platform for encouraging me to deep dive into a topic and holding me accountable on achieving my goals. Plus, I get to be surrounded by all sorts of people across a wide variety of backgrounds and sectors, with one common goal: saving the planet.
On Sunday Ben and I visited the Mockingbird Cinema in Digbeth, a lovely independently-owned cinema, to see Conclave.
Although it was originally in cinemas back in autumn it has been relisted after it received numerous BAFTA nominations, so, after missing it the first time around, we rushed to book a ticket.
Although it wasn’t typically the kind of film I would watch I actually thoroughly enjoyed it, and I found its stance on Catholicism quite refreshing – which makes a change!
Since the start of the year I’ve got back into language learning; a skill that I used to practise daily, but have fallen out of the routine of doing.
Thanks to Duolingo – and its persistent (yet successful!) streak notifications – I’ve practiced French almost daily since the start of 2025.
Although it will definitely take some time until I’m back where I was at the end of A Level, where I could confidently read French literature and hold my own in a conversation, I’m still proud of myself for getting back into it.
Even though I’ve lived in Birmingham my entire life I’ve never found myself visiting the Library of Birmingham, but that changed this week.
Yesterday I visited the library to do some studying for my BCU course and I absolutely loved the place.
I found myself a lovely little spot by a window overlooking the city and spent a good few hours there studying up on books from the course’s reading list. Speaking of, I 100% recommend What Has Nature Ever Done for Us? by Tony Juniper, a fabulous book on the undervalued, and largely ignored, importance of nature’s role within the global economy.
I started at a local yoga studio in September last year and I have been absolutely loving it. Last week they put out an offer for 50% off packages, so I decided to treat myself to a bundle of ten classes, meaning I’m set for yoga classes through till the end of spring.
I’m currently loving the Wednesday evening flow classes, which are just the right balance between relaxing and challenging.
Making time for mindfulness in my weekly routine is so important to me, and I AM YOGI definitely allows me to do just that.
Love Chloe x