Alongside working as a freelance designer and writing for People over Product magazine I also work part-time in a school uniform shop, which has turned into an almost full-time position at this time of year – the summer holidays is like Black Friday and Christmas all in one for a school uniform shop! I’ve been on my feet all day, running up and down flights of stairs to our three floors of stock rooms, and in all honesty I’m knackered. There’s only a couple of weeks remaining of the madness though so it’s not much more to push through!
On my day off I spent the day in Coventry with Ben, where we visited Coventry Cathedral, strolled around the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, where Dippy the Dinosaur was on display, and stopped for a well-earned cake in the Transport Museum cafe.
As a fashion designer, and general creative type, I am constantly seeking inspiration wherever I am, and these posts are a way to document what has ignited something within me this past week. Whether its artwork I’ve seen online, photography that moved me, or a collection of colour in nature that kick-started a creative idea in my head, I’ll be sharing four ideas that have brought me joy in the past seven days.

I’m not usually one to read novellas, but I’m so glad that I decided to download Simple Passion by Annie Ernaux on my kindle.
In under a hundred pages Ernaux manages to encapsulate the desperate pining that obsession and devotion to an unruly love can evoke. Following the life of a middle-aged woman having an affair with a married man it details her spiral into obsession and the impact that the relationship has on her life.
It felt like such a raw, albeit rather dark, depiction of womanhood, feminine sexuality and obsession, and I absolutely loved it. I’d definitely like to read more of Ernaux’s work.
I’m a big lover of stargazing and I can often be found looking through my telescope.
The other night, whilst lying in bed, I noticed that the moon was sitting very low in the sky, in perfect line to my telescope, so I knew I had to go and have a look at it!
It is always so fascinating to stand in my bedroom and have the ability to look deep into the craters of the moon – I don’t think it will ever stop absolutely astounding me that it’s possible.
I go through phases of listening to podcasts, and I find it very hard to find ones that I genuinely enjoy, but one I’ve always returned to is Working Title by Margot Lee.
After watching her YouTube videos for years I find Margot’s voice and energy rather soothing; her way of looking at the world is very similar to my own and I love her approach to journalling, so listening to her natter about her life, how she’s processing and recording it, and her tales, is a perfect accompaniment to a long train journey.
Love is Blind UK came to an end this week and I was hooked! I always find this show fascinating, and with so many couples to keep up with this series it was very exciting.
No spoilers, but I was shocked at the way some of the weddings went down, though I think it all ended up being for the best in the end.
I’m looking forward to the reunion this coming week!
Ben recently gifted me his old Apple Watch, and as someone who has never worn a smart watch before, I felt a bit flummoxed. However, after a couple of weeks of wearing it I’m loving it.
It’s so handy to track my exercise, which is particularly interesting to see at work – I climbed 45 flights of stairs in one day last week!
I never thought I’d be a fan of smart watches but I’d definitely recommend one, not only for the health benefits, but for the fact that I can quickly message my loved ones – and check the time of course!
This was actually a treat from Ben, not a treat to myself (thank you Ben!); we stopped for a cake in the Transport Museum cafe whilst in Coventry the other day and the raspberry blondies were absolutely delicious.
Ben had recommended the cakes in the cafe so I was very excited, and they definitely lived up to expectations. Sitting in the cafe with the sun streaming in through the window, eating a delicious cake and sipping on a Fentimans lemonade, whilst being sat across from my love, felt so perfect.
Love Chloe x